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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Gavin and his cereal

Just another day in the Rauch household... Gavin is a big boy and has been eating rice cereal this week.. so we decided to film it and put it on here for those of you that don't get to see him often!  We will be trying something else new just as soon as I can get to the store... Now that he eats at dinner time, that is just one more thing to add to the "To Do" list at the end of the day.  But we sure are proud of our little guy who is growing like a weed.  He sure did figure out how to eat after all, huh?  Time will tell if he will have his mommy's picky taste buds or his daddy's eat anything and everything attitude.  One thing is for sure... wild game is not on the menu for quite some time, darn!  Cody can't wait until he starts flinging food down to him.   Enjoy !

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