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Sunday, December 19, 2010

6 months old already!

So it seems as if time is just flying by very quickly.  Gavin is just a growing little weed.  Just this week he started actually reaching for us!  (it sure does just melt your heart when you actually know that he wants to be in your arms)  He also really enjoys entertaining hisself by making a wet razzing sound.... even when he is eating he finds it fuys nny when the food spits back on my face... (daddy thinks its funny too!) He does all sorts of crawling all over his crib when he is sleeping. He has learned to drop his toys and then look for them on the ground. And he is drooling and eating everything he can.. aka.. Bring on the teeth!

These pictures are from when I was trying to pose him in his christmas outfit and he kept looking at the tree instead of me.. He has been told "No, No, No" at daycare for trying to pull Miss Amy's tree also.. then she said that he bursts into tears.. We haven't had to experience telling him no yet.. seeing how he is a perfect little angel..

We also have pictures of his first time in the snow.. he was only out in it for about 2 minutes.. long enough to snap a few photos for our christmas card... but he didn't seem to mind the snow.  Now everytime we let Cody out he always watches him run through the snow and looks very interested why outside looks so different.

I will post again soon.. becuase Now I am on WINTER BREAK! Lots of fun for Gavin and I planned.. which includes shopping, napping, and just good ole times spent together!

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