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Saturday, January 7, 2012

17 months old!

Gavin and Miss Amy and some of the girls at day care going on a carriage ride

 This month our biggest things we did were: 
Thanksgiving at Mimi's house and Daycare holiday party - a carriage ride.

* you are constantly saying "Whats this?" about 90 times a minute.  You also say this to things you already know the answer to.. if we say back.. what is it.. you just don't respond and ask again. 
* You were a social butterfly at Thanksgiving playing with the dog and bunny rabbit.  You were pretty open to saying hello, giving kisses and walking around.  You just didn't want people to hold you too much.. unless it was mom.
* You also slept for the 1st time!!!! in the car to Mimi's house.. we left at 7 pm and it was dark out! Yay for mommy and daddy!
* You like to eat things in bigger chunks.. a whole muffin, a half a nutigrain bar at a time.. etc.  we still don't love meat or grilled cheese just yet. We do love peas, mac n cheese, spaghetti, FRUIT!, and snacks! still on whole milk.
* You have been teething again.. molars! Your hand is always in your mouth, we are constantly giving Motrin, you are drooling, and cranky.
* The Christmas tree is up and you want to pull the ornaments off of the tree... not at Amy's or Gigis house.. just at home. 
* you are starting to have fits for mom and dad again.. this leads to more time outs and constant power struggles for mom and dad. You will instantly stop if gigi or papa is there.. hmmm.. just want to play mom and dad huh?
*Mommy had her ultrasound.. but we still don't know if it is a brother or sister for you.. you still like to point to my belly and say baby.
* you love little animals that sing and dance to Christmas music. 
* you are starting to throw your ball more frequently.. working on that throwing arm.. uncle Neal would be proud.
* You enjoy Miss Amy's house..
* We turned your car seat around to face forward ... you think you are hot stuff!
* You still loving finding bugs.  You will search under cabinets and baskets to try to find them for me.
* You really don't take a AM nap at Amy's.. but at home you still do .. anywhere from 40-1.5 hours.
* You LOVE music. you like to dance, and listen to toddler music in the car.. you constantly say More!
* You still wake up between 5 - 5:30 or earlier.  since you are cutting teeth you are up for about an hour in the middle of every night. (but you don't cry.. just awake rolling around.)
Here you are tyring to "help" daddy hang Christmas stuff.. mommy looked down and you were already up!!! MONKEY!
Mom, I just want to be like Dad! No fear!

We are loving the holidays with you .. and can't wait to share more traditions with you!  We have been driving around so you can see lights up at night.. you LOVE them!  We are working through your tantrums with us.. at least this 2nd time around it is only for mommy and daddy.. you are trying to challenge who is in charge exactly!  We love you every minute and love seeing you grow.  You are starting to snuggle more and want to watch "shows" (toddler music videos on demand) and like to cuddle with pillows.. This will help you transition to your big boy bed here very shortly!

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