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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Our first time with vomit! - 19 months old

This week on Wednesday I picked up Gavin from daycare.  It seemed like a normal day, Gavin running around playing etc.  As we were eating dinner Gavin decided to not eat anything which is really odd, but hey if we offer and he doesn't want food... well we tried!  So we got him out of the chair and tried to get him to play with toys as we finished our meal.  Josh got on the floor with Gavin to play and Gavin burped.  We both said are you ok buddy?  Not two seconds later the longest and biggest projectile vomit came out of gavins mouth right at Josh ... (remember Josh is on the floor with him... eye level.) Josh held out his hands and didn't know what to do.  I swooped up Gavin and ran to the bathroom.  We now have vomit all over the three of us and all over the living room carpet. Josh is trying to keep Cody from eating the vomit and I am trying to keep Gavin calm.  The poor little guy had no clue what just happened.  (he also hates it when he has stuff on his hands etc.)  I could not stop laughing and telling Josh that that was the funniest thing ever.  I mean, really, that could not be replayed ever. 
Poor baby got sick three more times, in 3 hours and then made it through the rest of the night peaceful. But two days later we are still dealing with the other end of the stomach flu.  This will definately be one day we won't forget... as parents you want to help your children, but when you have a year and a half year old that can't communicate they feel bad, they jsut don't know what to do but to vomit all over their parents.  Josh did end up getting sick also, time will tell if mommy gets it too!
Hope you feel better daddy and Gavin.. we love you to pieces.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

18 months old ... wow a year and a half already??

A year and a half as gone by, where has time gone? You are now a full blown toddler who has his own opinion, loves the word NO, wants to do what you want to do, and still want to be held often.  Mommy is 6 months preggo and her belly is big!  You point to her belly and say baby.  When we ask you if mommy has a brubbe or sissy for you .. you always reply SISSY!  Then we ask you what you want to name her and you say SASHA! (Miss Amy's Dog) sooo funny.. and no mommy is not trying to get you to say sissy.. you came up with that idea yourself!  We will find out who you will be a big brother to in APRIL! I am sure this baby knows your voice just as much as mommy, daddy, and cody.  You are a TALKER!  You string together phrases of 3 words at a time, and chatter your own language constantly!  The dr. did say that is advanced.. which I knew.. but being around older kids at daycare, and as much as mommy likes to talk- this is not too suprising.  This month's big activities:  Mommy's 30th birthday party duckpin bowling, Rauch christmas, Walther christmas, Bryant christmas, Leverenz christmas, Monkey Joes with Mimi, 2 weeks off with mommy - 1 week off with daddy, visit Dalena Jeffries, new years (we did nothing different) lol. 
Your 18 month stats:
weight: 25 pounds  50%
height: 31.5 inches  49%
head:   48%
*Your favorite phrases are: What's that? Cody in here? Daddy in here? Papa in here? 
*You like to say: papa choo choo, papa boat, mi mi mi (miss amy ), sasha - you talk about her everytime you hear a dog bark or randomly as we drive, night night, poo poo, cookie- this stands for pretty much anything crackers etc., snow,Moon - Aunt Kate got you a turtle with the stars and moon on the ceiling.. you are obsessed.. you even find the moon on the way home from daycare!, NO- now you say it with a attitude, you also say no even when you mean yes, you say several new things all the time.. so often I can't keep up with them a rowing a fit until younymore.  You amaze us with your vocabulary everyday.
* You love to dance, in the car and at home. you got new instruments for christmas.  You always calm down in the car when we play your kid cd's and you get upset if the radio in the car doesnt' work.
* you are obssed with the real vaccum now.  You still like your play vaccum, however as soon as I bring you home you run to the closet and won't stop until I get it out.  You will and can push the big vaccum around.
* You still enjoy taking mommy's phone and talking on it.  (YOu don't actually talk when people are on the phone...)  The only person you actually pretend to call is Papa.  Very funny.
* You still go to bed around 7-7:15.  You only nap at 1 for 2ish hours.  (you will fall asleep in the car if you are driving around 9)  You get tired around 8:45 am and start grabbing pillows and a blanket to go night night.  You still wake up around 5:15 am every day.
* You are obsessed with talking about poo poo.  you tell us when you go poo poo, you talk about cody going poo poo outside, you started taking your stuffed animals and saying poo poo and wanting a cleaner to wipe their butt.  So we got you a big boy potty to sit on.. at least we will try to get you used to it if you like to talk about it this much!
*You still like to eat ALOT.  you are my fruit and veggie boy.  Still not so much into meat, however if it is diced up tiny (and i mean tiny) you will eat it if it is in a sauce. we got you to eat a quesidilla this week and miss amy said you actually ate some pizza for the first time this week.  The first week of Jan. Miss Amy switched you to the big kid table.. (a little tyke picnic table ) to eat snack and lunch at!  BIG BOY! She said you liked pushing all the trays around.. which the girls did not like.
*at monkey joes this month, you instantly started running and screaming after all the kids.  You wanted nothing to do with the toddler area.. you wanted the big kid area.  Daddy took you down the biggest slide with him 3 times, then you decided you wanted to do it all by yourself! I couldn't believe it.. and wasn't sure if you loved it or hated it.. but you did it 2 more times by yourself .. so I think you liked it!

You were not so sure about Santa.. But you gave him a High Five!

 As long as Daddy held you, you were ok.. but once we put you on his lap... you did not like that!
Mommy's 30th birthday we went duckpin bowling!  FUN! You got to run everywhere and throw balls!

You love trying to push trucks around.. here you are trying to ride your dumptruck .. which is not a riding toy.

You love your mommy... and lots of kisses!

We practiced looking in your stocking everyday the week of christmas.. and you were excited Christmas morning!

What else is in there?

You and  your cousin Hallie .. she got a sweeper for christmas which you wanted, so she played with Gigi's and you were not so sure about that! gotta love the little cleaners!

Your first snow.. 2 inches.. you loved it and cried NOOOOOOO.. (snow!) but you did  NOT like gloves, so you took them off and fell .. and did not like the cold.

We love you Gavin Jay.. we can't wait for you to be a big brother.. we know you will be great!  You already like to help throw diapers and trash away for us, grab shoes, and put things in and out of the washer and dryer.  I know you will be a big help as mommy gets less able to do the things she normally does!  Of course you Love to clean- clean windows, cabinets, floor, your highchair, etc.  you probably want to clean about 70 percent of your day! You really are a fun loving boy who loves to laugh and spend time with his mommy and daddy.  You certainly are not scared to go out and do things, like at monkey joes, or to run off and play when you get to new places.. good thing you are not shy like mommy was! 

17 months old!

Gavin and Miss Amy and some of the girls at day care going on a carriage ride

 This month our biggest things we did were: 
Thanksgiving at Mimi's house and Daycare holiday party - a carriage ride.

* you are constantly saying "Whats this?" about 90 times a minute.  You also say this to things you already know the answer to.. if we say back.. what is it.. you just don't respond and ask again. 
* You were a social butterfly at Thanksgiving playing with the dog and bunny rabbit.  You were pretty open to saying hello, giving kisses and walking around.  You just didn't want people to hold you too much.. unless it was mom.
* You also slept for the 1st time!!!! in the car to Mimi's house.. we left at 7 pm and it was dark out! Yay for mommy and daddy!
* You like to eat things in bigger chunks.. a whole muffin, a half a nutigrain bar at a time.. etc.  we still don't love meat or grilled cheese just yet. We do love peas, mac n cheese, spaghetti, FRUIT!, and snacks! still on whole milk.
* You have been teething again.. molars! Your hand is always in your mouth, we are constantly giving Motrin, you are drooling, and cranky.
* The Christmas tree is up and you want to pull the ornaments off of the tree... not at Amy's or Gigis house.. just at home. 
* you are starting to have fits for mom and dad again.. this leads to more time outs and constant power struggles for mom and dad. You will instantly stop if gigi or papa is there.. hmmm.. just want to play mom and dad huh?
*Mommy had her ultrasound.. but we still don't know if it is a brother or sister for you.. you still like to point to my belly and say baby.
* you love little animals that sing and dance to Christmas music. 
* you are starting to throw your ball more frequently.. working on that throwing arm.. uncle Neal would be proud.
* You enjoy Miss Amy's house..
* We turned your car seat around to face forward ... you think you are hot stuff!
* You still loving finding bugs.  You will search under cabinets and baskets to try to find them for me.
* You really don't take a AM nap at Amy's.. but at home you still do .. anywhere from 40-1.5 hours.
* You LOVE music. you like to dance, and listen to toddler music in the car.. you constantly say More!
* You still wake up between 5 - 5:30 or earlier.  since you are cutting teeth you are up for about an hour in the middle of every night. (but you don't cry.. just awake rolling around.)
Here you are tyring to "help" daddy hang Christmas stuff.. mommy looked down and you were already up!!! MONKEY!
Mom, I just want to be like Dad! No fear!

We are loving the holidays with you .. and can't wait to share more traditions with you!  We have been driving around so you can see lights up at night.. you LOVE them!  We are working through your tantrums with us.. at least this 2nd time around it is only for mommy and daddy.. you are trying to challenge who is in charge exactly!  We love you every minute and love seeing you grow.  You are starting to snuggle more and want to watch "shows" (toddler music videos on demand) and like to cuddle with pillows.. This will help you transition to your big boy bed here very shortly!