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Monday, September 19, 2011

Mr. Independent!

So my love you are 15 months old...
The last couple of months were a little rough on you, mommy, daddy, and daycare.  You were seemingly fighting being at daycare, learning how to do things you want to do, and dealing with teething.  Temper Tantrums were thrown OFTEN.  Miss Amy at daycare got a handle on you after about a month.. but Mommy and Daddy were having one melt down after another every single evening from the minute we walked in the door to the minute you were going to bed.  We just couldn't figure it out, was it teething, tiredness, or just plain stubborness?  Maybe all three.. but now that you are 15 months old...... You have had a very very very good week!  After much love and consistency you are a much happier boy!
15 month stats:
weight: 24 lbs 12 oz 54 %
height 32 inches 76%
head: 47.2    50%

* You got 4 new teeth in one weekend. (that made 12) two weeks ago
*You got another new tooth yesterday (total 13) and working on some more still......
* You love playing with your toys again... trucks, balls, blocks, MUSIC, BOOKS, puzzles, bubbles, and your favorite toy of all... CODY!
* You are struggling learning that you can't go outside everytime Cody goes outside.
*Every day you get home from daycare, you run straight to mommy and daddy's room and say "Co wie!  Side!"  meaning Cody go outside!  you put your hand on the door until mommy gets there to open it, then you chase cody to the backdoor to let him out. 
* You love chasing cody around the house... you run now !
* you love to play in the bathtub now... for a total of about 10 minutes
* You try to open every single cabinet and play with everything in it.
* You brush your teeth and insist on having "tooth paste on it"
* WHen you play with bubbles outside you can do only that for 40 mintues or more...
* Favorite foods: Anyhting really espically if we put it in your container that you hold on to.  You like waffles, pancakes, french toast, watermelon, baked beans, cheerios, wafers, teddy grahms, yogurt.
*Words you say:  co -wie (cody), doggie, side (outside), book, ball, duck, more, hi, bye, Oh and shake your head for no, papa, gigi, mi mi mi (Miss Amy), boo, wee
*you make the sound of a duck, dog, cow
*You laugh all the time... you like to run away from mommy and daddy and do a deep hehe hehe when you shouldn't do something.
* you still do several signs often : more, all done, cheerio, milk, when you want up, down, or stuck you wave your hands in the air.
* you were in your aunt jamie and uncle kirts wedding....
* you wear size 24 month clothes mommy had to just go out last week and get you about 10 new outfits that were for warmer weather and PJs.
*You do "ring around the rosie"
*Your favorite song was "Bubbles" by Monkey monkey music... you wanted to watch it every day SEVERAL times a day until on demand took it off. (Then mommy found it on the internet)
* Unfornatuately you watch TV... must be from daycare... mommy lets you watch one or two things a day ex. music video for babies, baby boost on demand showing animals.
*You learned how to push your riding toys with your feet
* Still struggling with a sippy cup with knowing how to tip it by yourself...
* You love medicine.. always asking for more if you see it sitting on the counter.
* You recently started trying to "wash" your hair by putting your hand on the shampoo and then putting it on your head and rubbing.
* YOu like to play peekaboo
* You love to tackle mommy and daddy.. you will just run and fall into us. and then laugh, laugh, laugh.

*You LOVE it when mommy tickles you.
* When it is time for bed we tell you to get a book, then you run to your chair and sit on our lap and snuggle
*We love the vaccum cleaner.. you sweep with your stick around the house
* You recently started giving really good kisses.. you smack your lips then pucker up and lean toward us to give us a kiss! 
* When mommy gets ready to leave in the morning you already know and say Byyyyyyeeeee!  Whenever you hear the car keys or when I put on a jacket, you know!
                                                                                                                                                                       I'm working on my hair.. party in the back business in the front
                                                   more state fair action!
                                                           handsome boy!
                                                  I love music.. this isn't too close is it mommy?
Fun times with daddy! weeeeeeeee
Gavin we love you more and more every day.  We couldn't imagine this life without you.  We love watching what you come up with every day and just find ourselves staring at you saying... why is he so cute?  We sure are one lucky set of parents to have such a loving, caring, and fun little bundle of joy.  We can only imagine what else you will get into and what memories we will make. We love you more than words can say.. "Love you in the morning and in the afternoon.. love you in the evening and underneath the moon!"

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