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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

yucky coughs and ear infections!

Gavin has been having ear infections the last 3 weeks.  It then turned into a yucky cough.  All Josh and I could do was listen to him and feel sorry for him.  a few times he actually threw up on me.. and I even wiped up some spit up with snot in it.  I guess it is better to get it out then let it stay in his body!  He has been on three different anitbiotics since Christmas. Amoxicilion, augmintin, and onmicef  ( I am sure I spelled all of those wrong)

Now that Gavin is 8 months old he likes to:
Sleep through the night!!!!!!!  (7-6:30)
CRAWL!!! and get his hands on everything!  He really thinks it is funny when I follow him and pull him away from cords!  (he goes faster and laughs)
3 teeth!  two bottom, one top.. (two more top teeth should poke out in a few days)
Try thicker foods.. he isn't so sure about putting food in his mouth by himself, but he will try to "chew" what is in it.  he has has puffs, and yougart melts! yum!
He loves toys that are balls.  He likes to bat at them and crawl after them.  He seems to only play with toys for about 45 seconds then crawls on to something else.  You can usually get him to come to you if you have something that makes noise! 
Sit up all by himself.
Go from crawling to sitting position.  GO from sitting to crawling. 
talking all the time (assuming he doesn't have his paci in )  guh guh guh.. buh, buh, buh  (we think he says ball), mmmmm (when he eats the sooo yummy food mommy makes)
looking at books, esp. the books that has pictures of other babies in it.
pulls up on his toys!!!

Our Sweet 8 month old!
 Look close and you can see the two bottom teeth..
 Mommy Loves you Gavin!
 Look at this handsome boy in his outfit when Jocelyn got baptized

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