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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Someone decided to pull up and stand now!

So Just this evening Gavin decided that he would PULL up and STAND UP on the couch.  He did it when I wasn't looking the first time.  These days we have to pin him up in the living room so that I can keep him in one place.. he hasn't been tooo happy with this.. So when I was starting dinner he started to go to the ottaman (the blocker that keeps him in the living room)  he decided that he really wanted the newspaper that was on top of it.  I looked over from around the kitchen and noticed him standing up holding onto the ottaman and eating the newspaper!  He decided to do it two more times when daddy got home.  We are excited for Gavin to be learning soo much and even happier he did this at home for us to witness for the first time. 

I am not sure that he knows what to think of it.. He falls backward because he doesnt' understand the concept yet.. but I am sure there will be plenty of boo boos and crying to follow.  Here is a video of him seeming to be frustrated while standing up!!!

Here is another video of Gavin being cute talking and studying his ball.  He is very into observing and trying to figure things out.  His other new thing is to throw balls.. He likes to throw codys toys as well.  (too cute.. must be because that is all that Cody ever wants to do.. play!)  He will also go around and bat at the ball and chase it around the house... literally around the house. (from the kitchen to his bedroom)  He did not cooperate when we tried to get it on video.. but it is still cute.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

and 9 months later.....

Gavins 9 month stats:

Height: 28.5 inches   60%
Weight: 22 lbs  74 %(He did have a very full diaper with # 1 and 2 while being weighed and he weighed 21 a week earlier)
Head size:  45.4    53%

He has been a very good boy!  Although lately Gavin has decided that napping and at night time it is fun to pull up on his knees and crawl around in his crib.  He will sit there and talk to himself and bang on the crib for 30 min or more. He will do this usually 2 times a night / early morning. It is always entertaining watching him on the video monitor ... especially when he gets his head right in the camera as if to say... ya I see you! But not so fun at night or early am.

Gavin has been having fun crawling around the house (and by house, I mean.... GOING EVERYWHERE) He for sure has the house mapped out and knows where all the corners and turns are.  He knows where our bathroom is to crawl and look in the mirror, where all the cords are that he can try to pull, and even where his books are in his bedroom in a bin.  (just today he crawled into his room, went straight for the book tub, and pulled one out..... SOOOOO adorable!)  He likes to crawl OVER, UNDER, and THROUGH anything that he can.  chairs, people, toys, highchairs, etc.  and he will do it continuously... does this mean he is going to be climbing      ohhhh say his crib, shelves, and cabinets? Time will tell I am afraid.  He loves to try to grab cords, (the one in our house that is out), Cody's water bowl, and reaching for plants.  He really keeps himself busy with things that he shouldn't have and are not per say..... toys! 

His little personality sure is coming out.  He still is a VERY happy baby although he will tell you exactly what he wants and demand for it.  He bangs to get your attention and when he wants more food.  He cries if you take something away and rubs his head on the ground or you while crying.  He is very DETERMINED.  If you block his path from something he will work very hard at trying to push his head, or arm through a different way.  And if he can't he will fuss and cry.  You try to revert his attention to something else.. NOPE he doesn't forget.  Josh likes to describe him as Ornery and feisty.  He loves watching how things work and being outside. He just laughs when he pulls on the pine tree and the branches move up and down.  Today I opened the front door to go outside, and as soon as he heard the door, he started kicking his legs and making noises!

Monday, March 7, 2011

the first word award goes to..........

well as much as it breaks my heart and makes my heart happy... Gavin has possibly said his first word during his bath tonight.  DA DA.  (but he doesn't attatch meaning to it yet)   we also think that he has previously said ball.  But we just arn't really sure. 

Here you can check out two of his FOUR teeth!  (two more about to pop through.....)
 Just a little AIR GUITAR to keep us entertained !  LOL

Here he is adjusting his tie.  : )

My little man is going to be pulling up before I am ready.  He is just growing so fast! Who knew time would fly this fast?  

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

yucky coughs and ear infections!

Gavin has been having ear infections the last 3 weeks.  It then turned into a yucky cough.  All Josh and I could do was listen to him and feel sorry for him.  a few times he actually threw up on me.. and I even wiped up some spit up with snot in it.  I guess it is better to get it out then let it stay in his body!  He has been on three different anitbiotics since Christmas. Amoxicilion, augmintin, and onmicef  ( I am sure I spelled all of those wrong)

Now that Gavin is 8 months old he likes to:
Sleep through the night!!!!!!!  (7-6:30)
CRAWL!!! and get his hands on everything!  He really thinks it is funny when I follow him and pull him away from cords!  (he goes faster and laughs)
3 teeth!  two bottom, one top.. (two more top teeth should poke out in a few days)
Try thicker foods.. he isn't so sure about putting food in his mouth by himself, but he will try to "chew" what is in it.  he has has puffs, and yougart melts! yum!
He loves toys that are balls.  He likes to bat at them and crawl after them.  He seems to only play with toys for about 45 seconds then crawls on to something else.  You can usually get him to come to you if you have something that makes noise! 
Sit up all by himself.
Go from crawling to sitting position.  GO from sitting to crawling. 
talking all the time (assuming he doesn't have his paci in )  guh guh guh.. buh, buh, buh  (we think he says ball), mmmmm (when he eats the sooo yummy food mommy makes)
looking at books, esp. the books that has pictures of other babies in it.
pulls up on his toys!!!

Our Sweet 8 month old!
 Look close and you can see the two bottom teeth..
 Mommy Loves you Gavin!
 Look at this handsome boy in his outfit when Jocelyn got baptized