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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Splish, Splash Gavin's Taking A Bath!

Gavin LOVES his bath!  Now that he is able to sit up we let him play in the water when he is all good and clean.  We just had to get a video of this.... he really wants to get his toys.  He is a determined little booger to get them, sometimes just batting at them is fine, other times he has to pick them up and put them in his mouth..  Cutie Buhtootie.

P.S.  Don't mind me as I almost fall in and the camera gets shaky..      : )  as Josh would say... KLUTZ!

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow!

(I must say I am getting creative with these titles..)  Gavin got a sled for christmas... Check him out!  And  I love this outfit. He has to be thinking that he is the kid from a Christmas Story. (Alfie I think - who cant ever move in his snow outfit).. Watch his arms never move and neither do his legs.. He did enjoy hisself. He even turned his head back so that he could still see us has he was going the opposite direction.  I am sure Daddy will take him on more sledding adventures ......   

All I Want for Christmas is My 2 Front Teeth....

         This year for Christmas Josh, Cody, and I had a new addition... GAVIN!  What fun it is to have our little family of three + 1 super cute dog enjoy the holidays together.  I found out how hard it is to try to shop and get things done when you have a child around.  I thought I was being smart by having a week off before christmas... boy was I wrong.  I literally got nothing done during the days.. welll.... except keep Gavin on his schedule and play play play! So I tried shopping at night while he was sleeping and well that worked but fighting other parents that had the same thought and trying to find the "perfect" gift two days before we had to leave - is a little stressful to say the least.  I WILL NOT BE DOING THAT AGAIN. 
        Let me back up to my week (during the days) with Gavin.  On Tuesday dec 21 while doing the usual tummy time-- G man started to get on all fours!  I was so excited I grabbed my phone and took a pic and sent it to Josh.  By the time Josh responded Gavin had started inching backwards.  I pulled out the video camera and rooted him on... he was on a roll.. he inched all the way back to our tile floor in the kitchen.  Mommy was sooo happy that he was able to do this while I could see him.  (NO one wants to hear someone else tell them, do they?)  I do believe he did this just for his PAPA.. seeing how it was his birthday and all (Dec. 21).
        Now let's fast forward to Dec 23 to Mimi's house.  Gavin was doing just fine... going to bed, etc. then all of a sudden he started screaming and crying for at least an hour straight.  (mind you this was after I just got done saying.. "He really never cries...") We tried all we could do to settle him down.. then decided to give him oragel for his gums (it must be his teeth-- why else would our sweet baby boy be crying?)  then after that did not settle him.. we went straight for drugging him.. well tylenol to help with the pain and discomfort.  It really does pull at your heart when your baby is trying to tell you something and you just dont know what it is.  All was well that night.... something made him feel better. 
         Dec 24- CHRISTMAS EVE!  Gavin loved watching us open gifts and he even liked trying to pull and tug at the paper.. who doesn't like to eat paper.  YUM!  He loved his gifts which included his favorite - toys with lights and sounds, books, a car to ride on, and of course clothes! Of course he entertained us all by his sweet smile and addicting chuckle.  And who doesn't want to grab onto his chunker thighs?  Ahh.. the life of a 6 month old!  We finally made it back home safe and sound just in time to eat get a bath and then sleep so SANTA could come!
         Dec 25-- 5 am.  Gavin had to have been so excited he just HAD to wake up so early..... so we got up, and gave Cody his present.  ( in case you didn't know .. my super cute dog always starts christmas morning off with opening his gift... yes - he actually unwraps a toy and then plays with it while we do gifts.. I know you are thinking he is amazing!  every year we film this special occasion... (he actually got the idea from our old beloved KEISHA...)anway.. getting back to the point ( I am taking a long time to tell this story...)  Gavin helped me open his gift he got me.. a really PRECIOUS frame of Gavin's outfit he came home from the hospital in, his id bracelet, some pictures, and his announcment.. SUPER CUTE!  He was kind of over the whole helping open gifts by the time it came to dad, so breakfast was next on the list.  While he was in his chair.. I SAW A TOOTH!!!!!!  Ok, Mom.. it wasn't out of the gums yet, but hey.. it still counts.. All I want for christmas is my two front teeth.. It really came true.. I know it wasn't there the night before because we were searching his mouth because of his big fit...
      Dec 28 His tooth Broke through his gums!  WE HAVE A TOOTH.... for real!

Point of story--- in one week off Gavin got on all fours and is starting to crawl.. started rocking back and forth on all fours, got  a tooth, got his first ear infection, and started eating two solid meals a day.  Man my 6 month old baby boy is getting big!

Here are his stats from his 6 month appt. on Monday Dec 27th..
Height: 27 in    60%tile
Weight 19 lbs 4 oz      77%tile

I could not ask for anything more .. a healthly happy family to call my own.. we have a roof over our heads, food to feed us, God, and LOVE to hold us together.. ahh.. the simple life!

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Here are some videos for those that need to see him a little more often!
This video we tried to capture him making the noises while eating.. he will either do the "yummmmmm" or grunt if I am not fast enough.  This was taken Dec 14th... eating Zuchinni and oatmeal.

Here Gavin is laughing at his mommy.... gotta love his happy little smile and laugh.. SOOOOO SWEET!  Did I mention that Josh and I love our son just a little bit?  We sure are blessed to have so many blessings in our life. 

6 months old already!

So it seems as if time is just flying by very quickly.  Gavin is just a growing little weed.  Just this week he started actually reaching for us!  (it sure does just melt your heart when you actually know that he wants to be in your arms)  He also really enjoys entertaining hisself by making a wet razzing sound.... even when he is eating he finds it fuys nny when the food spits back on my face... (daddy thinks its funny too!) He does all sorts of crawling all over his crib when he is sleeping. He has learned to drop his toys and then look for them on the ground. And he is drooling and eating everything he can.. aka.. Bring on the teeth!

These pictures are from when I was trying to pose him in his christmas outfit and he kept looking at the tree instead of me.. He has been told "No, No, No" at daycare for trying to pull Miss Amy's tree also.. then she said that he bursts into tears.. We haven't had to experience telling him no yet.. seeing how he is a perfect little angel..

We also have pictures of his first time in the snow.. he was only out in it for about 2 minutes.. long enough to snap a few photos for our christmas card... but he didn't seem to mind the snow.  Now everytime we let Cody out he always watches him run through the snow and looks very interested why outside looks so different.

I will post again soon.. becuase Now I am on WINTER BREAK! Lots of fun for Gavin and I planned.. which includes shopping, napping, and just good ole times spent together!