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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

10 months old!

So my precious love, today you are 10 months old.  As I sit typing, in the quiet toy filled living room, you lay sleeping, I think of all the ways you are a big boy!

** you have 8 teeth!  (the 8th tooth just popped out 2 days ago!)
** You stand up and pull up an most things, even the water jug on the floor you can stand up using a little help from it.
**You are starting to realize that drawers open... and you really like playing in Cody's water bowl.
**Last week at daycare you had fish sticks and chicken fingers... the things Amy feeds are by far more interesting then what I give you.. but Amy is guiding me to treat you more like a big boy!  You still don't have your "pincer grip" down pat, but you sure do find a way to shovel all the food into your mouth (and in your lap and on the floor)
** You just started dancing to music.  Well bouncing up and down, shaking your head, and moving your arms around. too cute
**You really enjoy books..   Touch and feel books!  esp. dog books.  (not just eating them, but genuinely looking at the pictures and getting a kick out of them)

** You love your tunnel and fort with balls.
** You say Dada and Boos (for balls)

**You love  your new swing outside!! Fun

**You still love being outside, but recently with warm weather and shorts on, you are noooot so sure about crawling in the grass with your bare knees touching it.  You Will try to crawl with your legs fully extended or holding one leg up in the air.  We'll have to get used to shorts pretty soon here..
 So inquisitive and always wanting the camera...

** You love the endless game of throwing things off of your highchair and watching it hit the ground.  Then of course we give it back to you to do it all over again.. Cause and Effect!
**As of lately you are not so much loving bath time.. (you are fine when we clean you, just want to be done right afterwards)

Mommy and Daddy love you very much and can't wait to start every day (even at 445am) with your sweet face.  You learn so much as each day goes by and we are excited to see what fun you bring to our day.  We cant wait to rush home and get you from daycare and spend those precious few hours before you go to bed playing, laughing, and cuddling with you.  I am not sure what we did before you... but you have forever changed our lives you sweet, adorable, happy baby boy! Even your Cody dog loves you and follows you around all day long too.  (what did he do before you came?)  You're 10 months old .... slow down!!!!!

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