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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

and 9 months later.....

Gavins 9 month stats:

Height: 28.5 inches   60%
Weight: 22 lbs  74 %(He did have a very full diaper with # 1 and 2 while being weighed and he weighed 21 a week earlier)
Head size:  45.4    53%

He has been a very good boy!  Although lately Gavin has decided that napping and at night time it is fun to pull up on his knees and crawl around in his crib.  He will sit there and talk to himself and bang on the crib for 30 min or more. He will do this usually 2 times a night / early morning. It is always entertaining watching him on the video monitor ... especially when he gets his head right in the camera as if to say... ya I see you! But not so fun at night or early am.

Gavin has been having fun crawling around the house (and by house, I mean.... GOING EVERYWHERE) He for sure has the house mapped out and knows where all the corners and turns are.  He knows where our bathroom is to crawl and look in the mirror, where all the cords are that he can try to pull, and even where his books are in his bedroom in a bin.  (just today he crawled into his room, went straight for the book tub, and pulled one out..... SOOOOO adorable!)  He likes to crawl OVER, UNDER, and THROUGH anything that he can.  chairs, people, toys, highchairs, etc.  and he will do it continuously... does this mean he is going to be climbing      ohhhh say his crib, shelves, and cabinets? Time will tell I am afraid.  He loves to try to grab cords, (the one in our house that is out), Cody's water bowl, and reaching for plants.  He really keeps himself busy with things that he shouldn't have and are not per say..... toys! 

His little personality sure is coming out.  He still is a VERY happy baby although he will tell you exactly what he wants and demand for it.  He bangs to get your attention and when he wants more food.  He cries if you take something away and rubs his head on the ground or you while crying.  He is very DETERMINED.  If you block his path from something he will work very hard at trying to push his head, or arm through a different way.  And if he can't he will fuss and cry.  You try to revert his attention to something else.. NOPE he doesn't forget.  Josh likes to describe him as Ornery and feisty.  He loves watching how things work and being outside. He just laughs when he pulls on the pine tree and the branches move up and down.  Today I opened the front door to go outside, and as soon as he heard the door, he started kicking his legs and making noises!

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