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Sunday, December 4, 2011

We are FINALLY starting to like daycare... it only took till November!

* Some words you say:  Ne- clean, Ni, Ni- Night (go to bed), nac- snack, nu nu- thank you, ese- please, NO, more, balls, dog, puppy, wow when something cool happens, Woah- when you fall or something gets knocked over, eat- treat (when we leave you give cody a treat), book, bubbles, bubble- music on TV, slide, teeth, you recently love to ask "whats this?" to everything!, sasha and Toby (Miss Amy's dogs), Cowie -cody, pee pee, boobie - you learned these from daddy teaching you body parts as he tries to get you to clean in the bath, mi mi mi - miss amy, gigi, baba- papa,
* You LOVE to sweep the floor.. not the real vaccum.. the pretend one.. you are not so sure about the real one anymore.
* Your bath time consists of you playing with the water coming out of the faucet, and you cry when we turn it off.
*You actually sit in time out like a big boy.-- aka you have been there frequently.  and  you even sometimes put your self in time out... not really sure why!
*This month mommy was sick with coughing.. you told Gigi .."Mama (cough) (cough)" to tell her I was sick
* You are very concerned with where mama and dada are constantly... possibly stranger danger kicking in again???  even if one of us leaves the room for a minute. 
* On fall break, mommy was sick, but we all went to the children's mesuem and played in the little kid area... you had a blast at the water tables, crawling over foam blocks, and pushing a bubble mower.
* We were not sure what you were going to be for Halloween but.. we ended up having you be a cow.  Just because the store had your size when we were there .. you do know cow sounds!  You LOVED the outfit, you even SCREAMED when Miss Amy tried to take it off becuase you were getting too hot in it at daycare...
* You didn't really trick or treat, instead you walked up and down the sidewalk with the bubble mower.. you were just excited to be outside the whole time!
*Miss Amy started to phase out your morning nap- she says that you usually fall asleep on the floor for about 20ish minutes then still take a really good nap at 1.-- Mommy puts you down for a AM nap and you sleep 1.5 to 2 hours (she needs the sleep too) and a PM nap. but she knows this isn't going to last much longer...
* You point to mommy's belly and say baby.. but that is really your word for bellybutton.  You have no concept of me actually having a baby in there. 
*You love to snuggle with stuffed animals and etc.

Gavin  just today Miss Amy said you are going to be talking... VERY soon.  You love to chatter and are starting to mimic your Singamajigs.  You love dumping out your balls and walking through them kicking them everywhere.. and you love dumping out your blocks in your dump truck.  You recently love miss amy.  She was so confused as to why you didn't like her, but now you do like her and blow her kisses everyday we leave.  She says you give hugs and want to sit on her lap now... FINALLY... mommy doesn't have to worry so much about you when she is at work!  You certainly have a little personality.. last weekend for THanksgiving you were walking from room to room saying ... HI! You were a little shy at first but then quickly started playing with all the kids (well watching them play and you playing with your toys.. still not playing with kids yet).  YOu love music! We know you will love being a big brother because you really do love being around kids.  Last weekend, you kept trying to sit on all the kids laps- it was too cute! You are now starting to climb up on the couch and on chairs if they are not pushed in.  This keeps mommy on alert at all times.. we can not trust cody or you for one second together.. someone is bound to get hurt.. aka YOU!

Video of you using your signs...