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Thursday, August 18, 2011

There's More Than Corn In Indiana!

Gavin has had quite the summer.  He has spent LOTS of time with MOMMY!  Since his frist birthday he has done lots of things.  Below are some pictures summarizing the month of July and his life at 14 months old.
Here Gavin is playing with the Walborn girls in the water.  This was really the first time he stayed in the water for awhile... it was about 100 degrees and it was the doggy pool, but hey the kids didn't know that!
 Gavin went to his very first REDS game.  He did pretty well despite the 110 degree heat index.  He really stayed in the seat for most of the game with only two walks around and we left in the 7th inning. 
 We spend lots of time on Papa and Gigi's boat.  We only make it about 2 hours at a time, but usually we feed the ducks and geese, play in water, play with toys, and of course drive the boat. 
 We visited all the grandparents and great grand parents.  Here this picture wins the prize for the best one - with his NANA. 
 We take lots of walks with mommy, daddy, and cody.  Either in our cool wagon or the stroller.  FUN TIMES!
 We went to the water park.  We lasted here about an hour... we didn't like the water that was much deeper than ankles, but we were very interested in water shooting out at us!  Next year we will enjoy it even more!
 not so sure about the water slide, but if daddy helps me then i am ok !
 This is the view mommy sees every night as daddy put gavin to bed.  some milk for gavin, a bedtime story, then lights out with 2 pacis (1 in your mouth, 1 in your hand as a lovey)
 You learned how to use a spoon... you think it is sooo funny. Actually I am very suprised how fast you picked it up and you have good aim. 
 You do NOT hold the sippy cup by your self... even if it has handles.. STINKER. We finally did get you to hold one with a straw.. but even today you still throw fits to have someone hold it and you lean your neck out when you want something to drink... Miss Amy does not hold it for you.....
 INDIANA STATE FAIR... enough said. Your mommy LOVES this place!
 baaaaaaaaaaaa... you really liked seeing the animals.
 Mommy pretty much lets you do whatever you want. You want to drive? Okay.. vrooom vroom.
 going on the lines of mommy lets you do what you want.. she fully believes in letting you explore to learn new textures... So here is the result with yogurt....  but you did have lots of fun.. and really most of it did go in your mouth. this was just when you were full!
 Aunt Jamie got married and you were in the wedding.  You kinda stole the spot light when she was saying her vows.  SORRY aunt jamie...
 And this pretty much sums up summer... mommy was TIRED from playing with you all day everyday.  Nap time was nap time for adults and dogs too... and early bed times.....
As of 14 months old you:
*Climb things - better watch stairs and cody stairs ... you get to those super fast... and then fall off just as fast.
* Uses a spoon
* Not really interested in your toys as much
* Pretends to sweep the floor
*Chases cody and gives him his toys, wants to carry his food bowl around, and wants to pretend to feed him.. which cody always thinks you are bring more foood.. the disappointment must be terrible!
* Dances around twirling in a circle, shake your head, and bounce with your legs.
* Plays with anything that is not a toy such as: mommys hair things, nail clippers, brushes, remotes, phones, tupperware, shoes....
* You love to pull out your clothes from the drawer and throw them around your rooom
*You want to be chased around the house... you are close to running...
*YOu play with your water table and will get into a baby pool and play if it is a few inches deep. You LOVE the sprinkler and hose.
* Drink milk from one sippy.. and will drink a pretty good amount of milk a day... if you are reminded.
*Words: Light, outside, cody, ma ma, da da, uh oh, boo, eyes, book, tractor, this, bubble, duck
* you love playing with mommy's hair.. which actually hurts her sometimes...
*digging in dirt, wondering around the backyard and going to our garden
* You throw really good temper tantrums.... we try not to laugh.
* everything is the end of the world if it is not your way or we take something away.
* You are starting to protest the carseat, and want to squirm to see the front of the car.
* You brush your teeth.
* you Love medicine... you actually find it on a counter and will point to it and say ummmmmmm.
* you do not like to have anyone hold your hand to walk...
* you really like to squirm when being held.. because you want to be free
* You blow your duck call
* You "smell" flowers
* You have had a very hard time adjusting to day care.. after 8 days you still arn't too happy.  Miss Amy says you just realized that you are going to have to be there every day and are not too sure about that. 
You cried when you heard the infants cry at daycare... you say hi to the baby when they are crying when you are tyring to take a nap. 

Here gavin is dancing...
We love you sweet baby boy... even though mommy went back to work, we love you just the same if not more!!! We think about you every minute of the day and you brighten our lives! xoxo