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Friday, July 8, 2011

And We're Off!

Let's mark this date down:  12 months old July 8, 2011 Gavin started walking!  We went from taking 1 step last week to 2 or 3 steps this morning to 5 right after that to 9 or 10 when we were waiting to get our pictures taken!  This boy is on the move.  The photographer for his pictures today said she had never had a little kid be on the move so fast and so much!  That's Our Boy!  If I am sure of anything... He is going to keep me BUSY!  or Shall I say keep Miss Amy very busy starting in August!  I am sooo excited that I got to see him in action today and so happy that I was not at work.  It was very fun to see him think he was sooo funny learning to walk.  He certainly doesn't mind if he steps on toys, falls, slides on the tile, etc.  Soon, very soon, he is going to be running... it seems as if he already is so that he doesn't lose his balance.

 As much as these pictures show Gavin liking the boat, he will only tolorate so much of it... he does not love his life jacket, nor does he love water.  He will go in it .. maybe a couple minutes at a time, but that is about it.  He does not really like the baby pool, or water table yet.  Even his baths right when we are done cleaning him... he wants out.  I am sure its just a phase.. but we still spend lots of time on Gigi and Papas boat!

Lets think about all the things Gavin loves since his first birthday.
*He loves his bubble mower, any and all trucks, cars, etc.  He likes to make the Vroom sound while moving them along the floor.  He is learning to say tractor.  It sounds like Tr - Er.  At least he is doing 2 syllables.
*He is starting to pay more attention to Cody.... chasing him with his walker toys, crawling after him, etc.  he thinks Cody is soooo funny.  (we will have to have a plan in place very soon about cody.. maybe locking him up will be the best choice.) 
* He still loves music.... usually this will make him start to shake his hand up and down and bounce... if he hears anything he will start to do the shake the hand thing to let us know there is music on.
*He has been waking up in the middle of the night (well usually around 3 am for a couple of hours... not crying.. just playing and talking to himself and maybe a little fussy ...)  Lets say it's really fun! 
* Words: Bubble, light, flower, tractor, bath, more, dog, ball, ba ba, ma ma, da da, hi, bye bye, eyes, toes,
*He is able to find and point out: eyes, mouth, nose, toes,
*He knows sign language for : more, milk, and all done!
* We are drinking milk finally.... but we are still working on actually holding the sippy by hisself (why would he want to hold it if mommy will? ) 
* He got tubes put in his ears on July 5.  It was actually a very easy process.. just very made right after the 7 min surgery and then by the time we got home and took a nap.. we were right back to ourself.. laughing and playing! 
*He eats like a machine.. eats a whole lot... really at each meal and snack time. Still not drinking soo much milk a day.. On a good day he will take 10 ounces of milk.. Some kids take 8 ounces every time they eat.....
* He is still a very happy, snuggly little boy. 
* He loves to have mommy and daddy chase him and then roll over begging for us to tickle his belly.
* He L.O.V.E.S mulch, dirt, flowers... we have a water table and pool and he won't play with it.. only wants to go to the mulch and dig....
BOYS WILL BE BOYS!  Here we show what he does every day with the dirt and mulch........ Gotta love him.. why do boys instantly know what to do and play with dirt... I guess they really are wired to play with trucks and dirt...
We love you Our Big ONE year old .... XOXOXO mommy and daddy!