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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Jesus loves me this I know... Gavin singing away

Whenever Gavin is upset Josh and I sing to him to try to make him smile.  Usually this works.  We started singing every song in the book and he was just enjoying himself, so we switched it up and sang Jesus Loves Me.. and at the beginning Gavin is upset, but then in the middle he starts singing along with us!!! Tooo Cute!

So today we were on a car trip home from visiting Lima, OH to see Aunt Jill Graduate College!  On the way home Gavin was very fussy all of a sudden for no reason (that I knew of).  I was chalking it up to getting his molars.. which by the way we have been working on for a good month now... and I felt them today under his gums on the bottom!!

Gavin 11 months old!
 The Rauch's
 Aunt Jamie and Uncle Kirt... they win the best picture of the day! And we are sticking out our tongue all day the past two days... not sure what that is all about.
Mimi.. I was showing her how I clap my hands
 Nanny and Pap

Now that you are 11 months old you:
Words you say:  da da, ma ma, baa baa (bottle), bath, uh oh, puff, ball, book
You cruise around furniture and crawl everwhere and pull up on anything,  You also like to open cabinets and pull out the tupperware.
Bath time:  you like baths again, but you will not sit in your seat, you want to touch the water and try to taste it while it is coming out of the faucet.
You are sticking out your tongue as of recently...
size 12 month and 18 month clothes
Food:  you like to feed yourself, and eat ALOT of food...
Naps:  you still nap twice a day, about 1.5-2 hours each time.  Still go to bed around 7 and wake around 5:30 am.